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The Island Life - Belize

Lionfish Dive Tournament a Success!

The team at St. George's cares deeply about protecting the reef and the underwater world. Our Belize island resort is owned and managed by scuba divers and located less than a mile from the amazing Belize Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.

One of its biggest threats to the reef right now is the invasive species lion fish. These fast-breeding fish do not have any natural predators. To help keep the population under control, divers all over Belize and the Caribbean use spear guns to hunt these spiny, venomous fish. It takes skill, especially when removing the lionfish from the spear so that you don't get stung by one of their spines! But it's worth it because not only are you removing an invasive predator from the reef, but the delicate white fish is delicious to eat as well.

Over 1,000 Lionfish Removed from Reef during Dive Tournament! 

Last week at St. George's Caye Resort we hosted our first "Save The Reef" Lionfish Dive Tournament with several teams of divers competing for biggest caught and most caught in one dive. It was a lot of fun and we hope to have even more divers involved next time. (Read more: Divers Keeping the Barrier Reef Healthy: Lionfish Tournament in October)

Most importantly, we are thrilled to report that combined the teams removed 1,016 lionfish from the reef! This is a huge impact in less than a week. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this possible. The coral reef thanks you too!

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Divers Keeping the Barrier Reef Healthy: Lionfish Tournament in October

Lionfish are an invasive species in the Caribbean and they are voracious eaters, potentially devastating to the health of coral reefs. The dive team at St. George's Caye Resort is doing our part to rid the reef of these fast-breeding fish – and many guests who are experienced divers join our dive masters and "spear hunt" underwater! It's exciting and a fun way to control the lionfish population and a unique diving experience you can't find just anywhere. Learn more about Lionfish Dive Safari. 



To step up our efforts to control the lionfish population, we are hosting a one-week Lionfish Tournament on October 8-15, 2016. To encourage participation, all tournament dives are half-price!

Divers can bring their own team, or join a team when they arrive. There will be fun prizes for the largest lionfish, smallest lionfish, and the most caught in one day. Come join the fun, help the reef, and maybe win a prize!


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